There was a time when you could easily go to Google, yahoo or Bing and look for a location and you would pull up. The issue is that a lot of the search has been riddled with changes to their algorithms and other SEO’s working on manipulating the search or as we like to state it “improving search”. The problem is that your business has to get new customers or a consistent flow of users daily in order to keep the doors open, this is where search engines are failing you and they really just don’t care. Why do search engines not care about your small business? Think of it this way, a search engine makes all of their money from ads. In fact Google makes something like $14 billion a quarter from paid search ads. Their only concern is to deliver the best content and most accurate information that is available on the net to searchers. So, your business could be a victim of updates, algorithm changes or even you not being on the map or even know how to put your business on the map at all!
There are a lot of alternatives to being a victim of search algorithm and SEO’s “enhancements”. They have social media, online advertising, etc. The problem is that you can just bring some awareness to your business from these methodologies. What you need is to get people who are hungry NOW and in your area!
This is why the GotTableApp plays such a critical role in getting new and local diners in your area to your door. The company fights for your business and cares for your business. Most other search engines are looking out for their pocket and social media will bring the awareness, but it won’t bring you the immediate traffic you need when your tables are empty. The application takes a lot of time to actually listen to your requests for changes and makes sure that the change will enhance your restaurants diner base.
There is no bulky hardware, high prices to pay and it’s easier to use! With open table there are heavy hardware integrations, long commitments and big fees involved. With GotTable the best thing is that you can use your tablet and things can be changed with a twitch of the finger!
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