
Restaurant Marketing for 2016

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Dec 21, 2015

It’s the end of the Year and you’ve done pretty much nothing to bolster your marketing efforts. Why? The problem that most people have is that time flies by and they just keep saying that “I’ll do it tomorrow”. The psychology of the matter is that by simply saying the word “tomorrow” triggers your mind to want to put off something tomorrow. Have you ever wondered why you forget something when someone tells you “Not to Forget”? The reason is that your mind remembers only the final action verb in the sentence. Thus, saying “I will remember”, causes you to remember. Thus, you’re essentially failing to market, because you’re saying “tomorrow” rather than “Today”. Thus, most restaurant owners are simply getting left behind in the times. So, what do you do?

Here are 5 things you have to do in order to get 2016 up and running before it’s 2017.

1. Update your Website: Most restaurant owners fail to realize that their audience is online. This really is the digital age and not having one will simply kill your visibility period. Having an out of date website, that’s just hurting your brand on a level that you may not even have an understanding of. If people see that you have an outdated website, you’re literally saying “I’m old and so is my place, so go find a better place to eat.”

2. Jump on to Social Media: You have to be where your audience is at and they aren’t hanging out by a billboard, not anymore. They’re hanging out online on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest and other hot social media sites. Go find out who your exact demographic market is and seriously engage with them. Spend some time learning who they are and even get to know them.

3. Figure out how to use Analytics: Google Analytics is one of the best tools to help you do some analysis of your website and who’s visiting it from and where they’re going. Find out what they are doing on your site.

4. SEO (Search Engine Optimization): Okay first off don’t go off and buy some $300 “guaranteed” ranking package, they don’t work. You really need to consult with someone who really knows this stuff. Also, just as a note Local SEO is different than Global SEO! You want to make sure that you find a company who really understands the technical difficulties and really can demonstrate rankings on terms that actually mean something! Meaning, they have traffic!

5. Jump on An App! Yes, it’s funny that this blog is being distributed by an App company that has a geo-location deal finder app, but App companies spend a ton of money, time and energy to grow their app use. For you as a restaurant owner not to jump on this magical bandwagon is a big shame on you. Why? most apps are willing to work with you and they could be driving you a ton of business and bringing to reservations (once again we’re being biased here).

Don’t let 2016 roll by and say “tomorrow”, say “today!”.



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